A Vicarage Family

Noel Streatfeild Lesley Barnes

About the book

Part of a stunning new design partnership between Puffin and the Imperial War Museum, this is a charming novel from the bestselling author of Ballet Shoes, featuring a special foreword from Dame Jacqueline Wilson.

Once there were three little girls. Isobel, the eldest, was pretty, gentle and artistic; Louise the youngest, was sweet and talented - and then there was Vicky, 'the plain one', the awkward and rebellious one who didn't fit in at school or at home. Growing up in a big family Vicky feels overlooked, but gradually begins to realize that she might not be quite as untalented as she feels . . .

A Vicarage Family is the first part in a fictionalized autobiography in which Noel Streatfeild tells the story of her own childhood, painting a poignant and vivid picture of daily life in an impoverished, genteel family in the years leading up to the First World War.

Publication Date
06 September 2018


Book Type


A Vicarage Family - Jacket

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