23 Things to do Before you are 11 1/2

Mike Warren John Haslam

About the book

An essential guide to activities a child can enjoy with their parents or grandparents.
From understanding basic woodworking skills to constructing a kite,  the reader will also learn about the science and eco side of invention.
Activities are broken down into easy steps and technical  information comes alive in bite-size facts.
Dare-devils can make stilts, a rope ladder, and even a go-cart!  Budding adventurers will learn how to put together a survival bag,  campfile and fishing net. Aspiring conservationists can build their  own bird nesting box and wormery.
Outdoor activities have never been such fun, and if it's raining there are plenty of other fun things to do!

Publication Date
18 May 2015

QED Publishing

Book Type
Trade paperback (US)


23 Things to do Before you are 11 1/2 - Jacket

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