You do the Maths: Launch a Rocket into Space

Hilary Koll, Steve Mills Vladimir Aleksic

About the book

Solve problems using 3D shapes and degrees  of rotation and blast off on a mission to outer space!
Featuring maths problems from addition and  decimals to line graphs and pie charts, these  books have different challenges to be solved  with a varying range of difficulty. 
These four titles make maths accessible and  exciting by relating it to the real world. Each title includes a glossary to explain any  mathematical words or terms that the reader  may struggle with, to aid the learning process. 
The  You Do The Maths  series include:
Design a Skyscraper:  -  978-1-78171-687-8
Launch a Rocket in Space:  -  978-1-78171-686-1
Fly a Jetfighter:  -  978-1-78171-688-5
Solve a Crime:  -  978-1-78171-689-2

Publication Date
29 September 2014

QED Publishing

Book Type


You do the Maths: Launch a Rocket into Space - Jacket

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