You Do the Maths: Fly a Jet Fighter

Hilary Koll, Steve Mills Vladimir Aleksic

About the book

Take to the skies on a mission to be the best fighter pilot!
Follow each stage of the mission and complete the maths exercises to create your squadron of jet fighter aces!
From addition and decimals to line graphs and pie charts, these books have different challenges to be solved with a varying range of difficulty.
These four titles make maths accessible and exciting by relating it to the real  world.
Each title includes a glossary to explain any mathematical words or  terms that the reader may struggle with, to aid the learning process.
The You Do The Maths series include:
Design a Skyscraper: - 978-1-78171-687-8
Launch a Rocket in Space: - 978-1-78171-686-1
Fly a Jet Fighter: - 978-1-78171-688-5
Solve a Crime: - 978-1-78171-689-2

Publication Date
15 June 2015

QED Publishing

Book Type
Paperback / softback


You Do the Maths: Fly a Jet Fighter - Jacket

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