Why is Snot Green?

Glenn Murphy

About the book

Why is snot is green? Do rabbits fart? What is space made of? Where does all the water go at low tide? Can animals talk? What are scabs for? Will computers ever be cleverer than people? Discover the answers to these and an awful lot of other brilliant questions frequently asked at the Science Museum in this wonderfully funny and informative book.

It is divided into five sections which cover everything from The Big Bang to bodily functions and cool gadgets:

Lost in Space

The Angry Planet

Animal Answers

Being Human

Fantastic Futures

Two million people visit the Science Museum every year to see the extraordinary selection of exhibits and objects exploring the past, present and future of human invention and discovery. We are delighted to be publishing this brilliant book in association with the museum, where children of all ages can learn about science in a fresh, fun and interactive way.

Why is snot green?

Do spiders have ears?

Do rabbits fart?

How big is space?

Find out the answers to these and and an awful lot of other brilliant questions in this funny and informative book.

Glenn Murphy from the Science Museum helps us take a fresh and exciting look at the world (and universe) we live in, with no boring bits and an abundance of fascinating facts.

Publication Date
06 April 2007

Macmillan Children's Books

Book Type
Paperback / softback


Why is Snot Green? - Jacket

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