When Daddy's Truck Picks Me Up

Jana Novotny-Hunter Carol Thompson

About the book

Daddy drives a big red tanker truck and he's on the road a lot. But today is a special day - he's going to pick his son up at nursery school!

All day as he plays, the little boy pictures Daddy's truck making its way towards him. Meanwhile, Daddy pushes on, down the highway, over mountains, through tunnels, and - uh oh! - into a huge traffic jam!

Now all the other mummies and daddies have come to pick up their children from work. Where is Daddy?

Jana Novotny Hunter's bouncy rhyme and Carol Thompson's exuberant illustrations are just right for truck-loving children and the parents who hurry home to them.

Publication Date
09 February 2010

Frances Lincoln Children's Books

Book Type


When Daddy's Truck Picks Me Up - Jacket

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