Vlad the Drac

Ann Jungman

About the book

When the Stone family take an Easter holiday in Romania Judy and Paul are very bored - that is until they meet a tiny vampire under a stone near Count Dracula's castle. Not only is the vampire very tiny, he is also a vegetarian with dreams of starring in horror films... Vlad persuades Judy and Paul to smuggle him back to London but the children decide to keep him a secret in case the vampire gets put in a museum or the zoo. Still a vampire left on his own all day can get terribly bored and find all kinds of mischief to pass the time. A very funny book that has stood the test of time and an entertaining look at the problems facing an outsider.

Publication Date
02 May 2013

Frances Lincoln Children's Books

Book Type
Trade paperback (US)


Vlad the Drac - Jacket

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