TimeRiders (Book 1)

Alex Scarrow

About the book

Liam O'Connor should have died at sea in 1912.
Maddy Carter should have died on a plane in 2010.
Sal Vikram should have died in a fire in 2029.
Yet moments before death, someone mysteriously appeared and said, 'Take my hand . . .'

But Liam, Maddy and Sal aren't rescued. They are recruited by an agency that no one knows exists, with only one purpose - to fix broken history. Because time travel is here, and there are those who would go back in time and change the past.

That's why the TimeRiders exist: to protect us. To stop time travel from destroying the world . . .

Publication Date
04 February 2010

Penguin Random House Children's UK

Book Type
Digital (delivered electronically)


TimeRiders (Book 1) - Jacket

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