The Works 4

Lucy Pearse, Pie Corbett

About the book

A the ark and other creatures, B boys' stuff, C celebrations and festivals, D dinosaurs, dragons and dodos, E elements, seasons and the natural world, F friends and families, G girls' stuff, H home life, I impossible, improbable and inexplicable, J journeys, K kissing and other subjects best avoided, L love, death, war and peace, M monsters, ghosts and scary things, N north, south, east and west, O ourselves and others, P places and people, Q queens, kings and historical stuff, R rescuing the world, S senses and feelings, T teachers and school, U unpleasant poems, V viewpoints, W wonder, X words and wordplay, Y young and old, Z zapping aliens and other space poems.

It will also contain teachers' notes and a glossary of terms including explanations of different poetic forms.

Publication Date
01 July 2005

Macmillan Children's Books

Book Type
Paperback / softback


The Works 4 - Jacket

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