The Trouble with Wenlocks: A Stanley Wells Mystery

Joel Stewart

About the book

Stanley Wells is a very ordinary boy. But one day he finds himself caught up in a very strange adventure. He meets the mysterious Dr Moon and his canine companion Morcambe - and encounters the terrifying effects of a Wenlock. After being thrown from a train, he realises he's just going to have to get on with things and somehow unravel the mystery of Sorrows, Wenlocks, the blank-faced children he sees all around him . . . and the captivating Umiko.

A truly original work, filled with fascinating characters and strange happenings, from this unique talent. Features Joel's original artwork on every spread.

Publication Date
30 September 2013


Book Type
Paperback / softback


The Trouble with Wenlocks: A Stanley Wells Mystery - Jacket

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