The Tortoise and the Hare

Angela McAllister Jonathan Heale

About the book

One day Tortoise overhears Hare boasting, 'I can run so fast I leave the wind behind.' 'What nonsense,' says Tortoise to Hare. 'I'll give you a race.' Hare falls about laughing, but all the same he accepts the challenge. As they set off, Hare bounds down the lane, with Tortoise creeping along behind. Hare obviously has the natural advantage, so he stops for an elevenses of carrots, is overcome by sleepiness and takes a long nap. Soon Tortoise has crept slowly but surely past him and wins the race - just! Aesop's most well-known fable - pitting boastfulness and conceit against sharp wits and doggedness - is simply but delightfully retold by Angela McAllister and is illustrated by Jonathan Heale's stylish woodcuts to create an animal classic.

Publication Date
01 March 2007

Frances Lincoln Children's Books

Book Type
Trade paperback (US)


The  Tortoise and the Hare - Jacket

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