The Princess Mirror-Belle Collection

Julia Donaldson Lydia Monks

About the book

Ellen gets a big shock when her double appears out of the bathroom mirror. Only Mirror-Belle is a double with a difference! She is a princess, and a very mischievous one at that. Whether she's wreaking havoc in a department store, riding the ghost train at the fair or seeing off bullies in the playground, Princess Mirror-Belle is a princess with a purpose - to cause as much trouble as possible!

The Princess Mirror-Belle Collection contains the stories Princess Mirror-Belle, Princess Mirror-Belle and the Flying Horse and Princess Mirror-Belle and the Magic Shoes by the best-selling team behind What the Ladybird Heard, Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks.

Publication Date
07 June 2012

Macmillan Children's Books

Book Type
Paperback / softback


The Princess Mirror-Belle Collection - Jacket

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