The Little Secret

Kate Saunders

About the book

‘Most important of all, THE BOX MUST NEVER BE OPENED. Do you understand?’

Jane is the only one to befriend the strange new girl in her class. All the other children think Staffa is weird, with her paper-white skin, strange way of speaking and funny old fashioned clothes. But Jane thinks Staffa is fun, and silly and brave. The only thing Jane doesn’t like about her is her mother, Lady Matilda, who dresses in huge tweed knickerbockers, drinks a vile smelling tea and seems to be sizing Jane up for something. Nonetheless, Jane agrees to go on holiday with Staffa. Travelling with them is the exquisitley painted box Lady Matilda always keeps by her side. Jane is given strict instructions NEVER to open the box but when she wakes one night to see a strange glow coming from it, she can’t resist a peek inside. What she sees changes her life for ever as she finds herself plunged into the tiny world of Eck . . . a world of slug steaks, spider racing and a tyrannical Queen hell-bent on marrying Jane off to her son . . .

This is a vividly drawn contemporary fairy tale, full of mad invention, adventure and wonderfully colourful characters.

Publication Date
01 June 2007

Macmillan Children's Books

Book Type
Paperback / softback


The Little Secret - Jacket

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