The Gift Boat

Peter Dickinson Ian Andrew

About the book

Grandad is the most important person in Gavin’s life. He lives with Gavin, takes him fishing in the harbour, and is making him a beautiful model boat, the Selkie, as a special birthday gift. The two have a close and exclusive relationship. Then Grandad is suddenly struck down by a massive stroke and is totally paralysed. The doctors are not optimistic. But Gavin is sure that inside the helpless body his real grandfather is trapped, unable to find a way out - that somehow the Selkie is the key to save him, and that if he asks the magical half-seal, half-human selkies off the beach they may help. Gavin begins a desperate emotional journey, against all the odds, to bring his grandfather back to life.

THE GIFT BOAT is a short and deeply powerful story about the intense bond of love that binds a child and a grandparent, mixed with a slice of inexplicable magic. It is a truly original and moving work of fiction, written by an author of exceptional talents.

The Independent recently reported: ‘If you took a poll to find the greatest living children’s author, the result would be tediously predictable. Potter trumps all. But if you awarded points for originality, intelligence, clarity of style, emotional depth, and sheer range, there is not much doubt that the winner would be Peter Dickinson.’

Publication Date
05 March 2004

Macmillan Children's Books

Book Type


The Gift Boat - Jacket

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