The Dinner that Cooked Itself

Kenard Pak Jennifer C Hsyu

About the book

Long ago, in ancient China, there lived an honest and hard-working man by the name of Tuan. Tuan was lonely and despite the matchmaker's best efforts he could not find a girl that suited his birth sign or the humble background from which he came from. Yet, Tuan continued to work hard at his job in his own little vegetable field. One evening, when Tuan came home he was surprised to find the most splendid meal laid out on his table, but the cook was nowhere to be seen! Night after night his dinner was made, each supper bigger and tastier than the last. Desperate to uncover the secret, Tuan devised a plan to reveal the source of these magical dinners...

Publication Date
01 November 2014

Flying Eye Books

Book Type


The Dinner that Cooked Itself - Jacket

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