The Bubble Wrap Boy

Phil Earle

About the book

How do you stay on the board when your world is turned upside down?

Charlie's found his secret talent: skateboarding. It's his one-way ticket to popularity. All he's got to do is practice, and nothing's going to stop him - not his clumsiness, not his overprotective mum, nothing.

Except Charlie isn't the only one in his family hiding a massive secret, and his next discovery will change everything.

'Have finished The Bubble Wrap Boy. If happy tears/snot smeared across face were legal currency, Phil Earle would be rich. So warm, and so funny' - Katherine Rundell, author of Rooftoppers and Impossible Creatures

"A story about staying true to yourself and following your passion." - Kirkus Reviews

Publication Date
01 May 2014


Book Type
Paperback / softback


The Bubble Wrap Boy - Jacket

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