The Animal Rescue Squad - Hand-Me-Down Chimp

Ellen Weiss, Mel Friedman

About the book

Best friends Eliza, Lisa, Molly and Abby are passionate for all things furry, four-legged or feathered. They are THE ANIMAL RESCUE SQUAD. Their mission? To fight for the rights of all animals great and small. . . When Lisa decides to take care of a cheeky two-year-old chimp called Gumbo, she has no idea he'll be such a handful! He swings from the lampshades, climbs up the curtains, speaks in sign laguage. . . Yes! He really does! And it's up to THE ANIMAL RESCUE SQUAD to find him a very special home.

Publication Date
03 June 2013

Red Fox

Book Type
Paperback / softback


The Animal Rescue Squad - Hand-Me-Down Chimp - Jacket

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