Stuff That Scares Your Pants Off!

Glenn Murphy

About the book

In STUFF THAT SCARES YOUR PANTS OFF! Glenn Murphy shows us that it is OK to be scared and that there are very good reasons why we are able to feel fear. He looks closely at our most common fears, including natural disasters, predators, spiders, disease, needles, dentists, crashes, darkness, speaking in public, heights, ghosts and monsters, to show us how much of that fear is perhaps unnecessary. The result is a fun, carefully pitched, popular-science title that mixes great true-life stories with the psychology of fear, the statistical probabilities of things happening and a lot of reassurance.
In STUFF THAT SCARES YOUR PANTS OFF! Glenn Murphy shows us that it is OK to be scared and that there are very good reasons why we are able to feel fear. He looks closely at our most common fears, including natural disasters, predators, spiders, disease, needles, dentists, crashes, darkness, speaking in public, heights, ghosts and monsters, to show us how much of that fear is perhaps unnecessary. The result is a fun, carefully pitched, popular-science title that mixes great true-life stories with the psychology of fear, the statistical probabilities of things happening and a lot of reassurance.

Publication Date
03 July 2009

Macmillan Children's Books

Book Type
Electronic book text


Stuff That Scares Your Pants Off! - Jacket

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