Star Girl

Karin Littlewood

About the book

Gracie had a star. Every night it shone for her outside her bedroom window.
“ You’ re my special star,” she whispered.
But every morning, as dawn breaks, Gracie’ s star fades from the sky.  So one sparkling night Gracie climbs the tallest tree and gently takes her star out of the sky. Now she will have it with her all the time.
  Then, what a disappointment!   In Gracie’ s hands, her star lies dull, cold and grey. She fills her room with sparkly things, puts the star in a rockpool, and takes it to the place where the fireflies flitter. But nothing can make her star shine. At last Gracie knows what she has to do… and that night she gets a wonderful surprise.

Publication Date
04 September 2014

Frances Lincoln Children's Books

Book Type
Trade paperback (US)


Star Girl - Jacket

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