Spook's: Slither's Tale

Joseph Delaney

About the book

Slither's Tale is the eleventh book in Joseph Delaney's terrifying Wardstone Chronicles – over 3 million copies sold worldwide!

'My name is Slither, and before my tale is finished you'll find out why . . .'

Slither preys upon humans, gorging upon their blood while they sleep. But a desperate farmer needs Slither to save the lives of his two youngest girls. In return he can have the eldest daughter, Nessa, to do with as he wishes. Slither's promise takes him and Nessa on a treacherous journey - and into the path of Grimalkin, the terrifying witch assassin . . .

Publication Date
02 January 2014

Red Fox

Book Type
Paperback / softback


Spook's: Slither's Tale - Jacket

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