Sensible Hare and the Case of Carrots

Daren King

About the book

Sensible Hare was not a sensible hare. But he was a hare, and he had the ears to prove it.

Sensible Hare, Hare Detective has a relaxing job - until a sassy ladyhare comes into his office asking for help to track down a missing suitcase of carrots.

It is going to be a tough carrot to munch, but Sensible hasn't had a case in months - he's behind with the rent , and the landlord is on his tail - so he accepts the case. And soon, he is being trailed by every villain in town.

So begins an outrageous adventure of Hare Shampoo, dangerous scrapes, carrots and foxy ladyhares...

Publication Date
06 September 2007

Faber & Faber

Book Type


Sensible Hare and the Case of Carrots - Jacket

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