School of Fear

Gitty Daneshvari

About the book

Dear Applicant,

I am pleased to inform you of your acceptance to the School of Fear. As you already know, the School is an exceedingly select institution dedicated to eradicating children’s fears through somewhat unorthodox methods. The small group of people aware of our existence vigilantly maintain our anonymity. We strongly advise all incoming applicants and their families only to discuss School of Fear in the confines of their home, with the television on, water running, and dog barking.The secrecy may seem unnecessary, but as nothing at the School of Fear is as it seems, we must hide the truth at any cost.

Mrs. Wellington

Four children, four EXTREME phobias, one insane teacher, one awfully exclusive (and slightly scary looking) school and one long nightmare-filled night . . . welcome to THE SCHOOL OF FEAR.

Publication Date
05 February 2010

Macmillan Children's Books

Book Type
Paperback / softback


School of Fear - Jacket

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