
Sarah Ferone


About Sarah Ferone

Sarah Ferone is an illustrator based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Recent updates about Sarah Ferone

National Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day

Could there be a better time to read Ice Cream Scoop Puzzle by Sarah Ferone. Published by Chronicle Books.

5 years ago

National Puzzle Day (US)

Loving Ice Cream Scoop Puzzle by Sarah Ferone from Chronicle Books.

5 years ago

National Ice Cream Day (US)

Could there be a better time to read Ice Cream Scoop Puzzle by Sarah Ferone. Published by Chronicle Books.

5 years ago


Ice Cream Scoop Puzzle by Sarah Ferone from Chronicle Books all about games to play!

5 years ago

Out Now!

Out now! Ice Cream Scoop Puzzle by Sarah Ferone, illustrated by Sarah Ferone. Published by Chronicle Books.

7 years ago

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