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Sam Usher graduated from the University of West England and his debut picture book Can You See Sassoon? was shortlisted for the Waterstones Prize and the Red House Children’s Book Award. He is particularly admired for his technical drawing skill and prowess with watercolour. Also a talented pianist, when he’s not holding a pen and wobbling at paper you’ll find him perfecting a fiendishly difficult piece of Chopin.
The Most-Loved Bear
The Umbrella Mouse
Umbrella Mouse to the Rescue
Thank You
I Love My Bike
The Adventures of Moose & Mr Brown
I Love My Cat
Carnival of the Lost
All Aboard the London Bus
Carnival of the Hunted
A story all about friendship and friends. Umbrella Mouse to the Rescue by Anna Fargher from Macmillan Children's Books.
2 days ago
The Umbrella Mouse by Anna Fargher from Macmillan Children's Books is the perfect friendship story.
A book all about friends... Carnival of the Lost by Kieran Larwood from Faber & Faber.
On this day 1965, the State Funeral of Winston Churchill was held at St Paul's Cathedral in London. Discover Umbrella Mouse to the Rescue by Anna Fargher. Published by Macmillan Children's Books.
14 days ago
Listening to a story and the rhythm of the words can be a great way to engage small children. Why not try The Most-Loved Bear by Sam McBratney from Macmillan Children's Books
16 days ago
Reading stories together can be the perfect way to spend quality time with your child. Carnival of the Lost from Faber & Faber from Kieran Larwood is a great one to read together.
Bears will start waking up for Spring soon. Why not read The Most-Loved Bear by Sam McBratney from Macmillan Children's Books, a bear-illiant read!
26 days ago
With detectives taking over on the television, why not start them young with Carnival of the Lost a great mystery read! By Kieran Larwood from Faber & Faber
1 month ago
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