Rubik's Quest: Mission Invent

John Farndon

About the book

Mission Invent explores machines and engineering. Readers must use their problem-solving skills in a twisting-turning world of toys and puzzles.

You love being an apprentice designer at Toy Towers, where they make the world’ s most amazing toys.

One morning you arrive to find My Jollypops’ assistant waiting for you. She tells you that Mr Jollypops wants to see you urgently – all will be explained when you get there!
A high-speed race, a giant maze and a panel of judges are all that stand between you and the grand prize...

The Rubik’ s Quest series

Mission Invent is part of a larger series of four exciting books. It takes readers on an engaging adventure into the science and maths behind the Rubik's Cube.The series allows children to achieve a sense of ‘ creating your own adventure story’ ; a theme used in QED’ s previous and largely successful Quest series’ .
The Rubik's Quest series includes the following titles:
The Robot's Revenge  -  978-1-78171-561-1
Cube Countdown  -  978-1-78171-560-4
Beat the Game  -  978-1-78171-559-8
Mission Invent  -  978-1-78171-558-1

Publication Date
07 July 2014

QED Publishing

Book Type
Other book


Rubik's Quest: Mission Invent - Jacket

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