Queen Guinevere

Mary Hoffman Christina Balit

About the book

"When the messenger rode across our narrow bridge, I was looking out of a window. My blood seemed to stop its journey around my body when I saw the livery of Uther Pendragon. That's the second sight. All the women in our family have it to some extent..." In this dramatic retelling, based on Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur, Britain's legendary King Arthur and the tales surrounding him are viewed from the perspective of eight women. Determined and resourceful, they drive the Camelot story through love, hate, intrigue, enchantment and tragedy as, one by one, their voices come swirling out of the mists of time to tell their stories.

Publication Date
05 November 2015

Frances Lincoln Children's Books

Book Type


Queen Guinevere - Jacket

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