Puppy Party

Anna Wilson

About the book

Mum has given Summer two weeks to plan a surprise party for her glamorous older sister April. Summer realizes that it is also her dog Honey's birthday that week - and therefore decides to plan a joint party. She decides not to mention the whole 'puppy' part of the Plan to anyone except her most bestest friend, Molly Cook.
Cut to party day and Utter Mayhem is slowly unfolding. Someone tries a dog biscuit thinking it's a trendy new kind of crisp; Honey and her doggy guests are tugging on the tablecloth, tearing open presents and trashing the house. Meanwhile April - who has been told to keep away until the last minute - is becoming more and more Over Dramatical and Suspicious. How will she react to the canine takeover of her special day?

Publication Date
01 July 2011

Macmillan Children's Books

Book Type
Electronic book text


Puppy Party - Jacket

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