Pretty Hands & Sweet Feet

Samantha Tremlin, Sarah Waite, Katy Parsons

About the book

With over 25 easy-to-follow, step-by-step nail art tutorials, Pretty Hands & Sweet Feet will inspire aspiring nail artists to arrive in style--from their fingers to their toes!
Featuring a variety of colorful, unique nail art designs and techniques from award-winning nail artists, Pretty Hands & Sweet Feet is the quintessential DIY resource for the fashion-forward tween style maven. From patterns, textures, and prints to stamps, stickers, and strips, young fashionistas will spend hours recreating stylish designs by their favorite Pinterest and Facebook nail artists. This fun and colorful book opens with a section on basic nail care, detailing the art of the perfect manicure and pedicure, as well as nail health and maintenance. First-time nail artists then learn about the many tools and materials used to create nail art, from polishes and brushes to stencils and stamps, as well as a basic overview of how and when to use each technique to create desired patterns and styles. The remaining sections feature easy-to-follow, detailed, step-by-step nail art tutorials that are youthful, trendy, and approachable for beginning nail artists to achieve. No matter the occasion, Pretty Hands & Sweet Feet will inspire aspiring nail artists to arrive in style--from their fingers to their toes!

Publication Date
19 November 2015

Walter Foster Publishing

Book Type
Trade paperback (US)


Pretty Hands & Sweet Feet - Jacket

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