Pop-out Stencil Art: Bugs

Laura Hambleton

About the book

Simple and ingenious, Pop-Out  Stencil Art: Bugs shows you how  to make a sparkly butterfly, amazing pictures, puppets  and even a cute caterpillar clothes peg clip.
Stencilling  is a beguiling art, and is the perfect way to engage the  imagination of budding artists. These stencil shapes will be  sure to inspire young creatives to experiment.
Pop-Out Stencil Art is the perfect way  to show a young child how many ways  there are to be creative.  Featuring 15  easy to use pop-out stencils and 20  fun projects to make, these books will  be sure to keep hands busy for hours.
Each spread has three different sizes  of pop-out stencils and creative ways  to use them. The stencils can be reused  time and again, and stored back  in their nested shapes inside the book.
The new Pop Out Stencils titles are:
Bugs:  9781784932909
Safari Animals:  9781784932893

Publication Date
17 August 2015

QED Publishing

Book Type
Board book


Pop-out Stencil Art: Bugs - Jacket

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