Open Wide

Susan Grigsby

About the book

Discover a world of mystery, history, and lore inside your mouth. Yes, we're talking about teeth! In  Open Wide,  you'll find out everything you need to know about your teeth.
No matter what you call them, pearly whites, chompers, canines, or tooth fairy bait, teeth play a vital part in your life and have an interesting past. In  Open Wide,  you'll find out everything you need to know about your teeth from what ancient civilizations believed about teeth and how scientists use teeth to learn about past societies and solve investigations in the present. With helpful diagrams and tips, you'll learn how to keep your smile happy and healthy and how to keep your pet's teeth clean and pristine. What's in store for our teeth in the future? ReadOpen Wide  to find out.

Publication Date
04 May 2017

Seagrass Press

Book Type


Open Wide - Jacket

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