Mistress Masham's Repose

T. H. White

About the book

'One of the finest, most magical and extraordinary children's books ever written.'
- Anne Fine, author and former Children's Laureate

Ten-year-old orphan Maria lives in her ancestors' crumbling mansion. Exploring the grounds one day, Maria discovers a wild, half-forgotten island in the middle of a neglected lake - and an extraordinary secret. For the island is home to a community of tiny people - the Lilliputians that Gulliver first met on his famous travels.
But as Maria grows closer to her new friends, her own life is in grave danger. Her wicked governess and the cruel vicar are plotting to steal her rightful inheritance - and they will stop at nothing. How can Maria keep the Lilliputians safe, while protecting herself?
Cover illustration by Jill Murphy, creator of The Worst Witch series.

Publication Date
07 July 2016


Book Type
Paperback / softback


Mistress Masham's Repose - Jacket

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