
Miranda Kenneally


Miranda Kenneally books

Recent updates about Miranda Kenneally

Miranda Kenneally

My tenth published book, FOUR DAYS OF YOU AND ME, is out today!

3 years ago

Miranda Kenneally

Only one week until FOUR DAYS OF YOU AND ME comes out on May 5! I can't wait to share this book with you guys.

4 years ago

Miranda Kenneally

Jack the dog: "i give your book 13/10...because it pays for my kibble."

4 years ago

ARCs of FOUR DAYS OF YOU AND ME arrived from @molly_cusick at @sourcebooksfire! The book is gorgeous and I love them so much. Incredibly proud of this novel -- I worked on it for such a long time. Aren't the chapter……

4 years ago

Hilarious and Heartbreaking...

Dear Teen Me is all about who you are, a coming of age story. By Miranda Kenneally from Zest Books

4 years ago

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