
Mathieu Sapin


About Mathieu Sapin

Mathieu Sapin was born in Dijon, France, in 1974. He studied in l'Ecole sup_rieure des Arts D_coratifs de Strasbourg before becoming an illustrator for children's magazines and publishers in France. He's also the author of a comic for adults called Supermurgeman

Mathieu Sapin books

Recent updates about Mathieu Sapin

Hug your cat day

Why not celebrate cats with Akissiby Marguerite Abouet from Flying Eye Books.

3 months ago

Mathieu Sapin

Really excited about this delivery from @NobrowPress today. Already had children arguing about who gets Akissi first. Definitely no chance of me getting my hands on either!

5 years ago

Out Now!

Out now! Akissi by Marguerite Abouet, illustrated by Marguerite Abouet. Published by Flying Eye Books.

11 years ago

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