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Lindsey Gardiner was a finalist in the 2007 Richard and Judy Children's Book Awards for her illustrations in Poppy and Max and the Fashion Show. She completed her degree in Printed Textiles at Dundee University, and went on to do an MA at Winchester School of Art. She wrote her first book, Here Come Poppy and Max, whilst still at college. Lindsey is the author of a number of picture books for Random House, including Mile High Apple Pie and Dan and Diesel and is the illustrator of We Want a Pet!.
Mile High Apple Pie
We Want a Pet!
Whatever pet you have, read We Want a Pet! by Richard Hamilton. Published by Red Fox Picture Books.
22 days ago
Tomorrow is the longest day of the year. Read about time in Mile High Apple Pie by Laura Langston from Red Fox
8 months ago
5 years ago
Why not try We Want a Pet! by Richard Hamilton. Published by Red Fox Picture Books.
We Want a Pet! by Richard Hamilton from Red Fox Picture Books. A great read for your kids!
Read Mile High Apple Pie by Laura Langston from Red Fox - perfect for today!
Whatever pet you have read We Want a Pet! by Richard Hamilton from Red Fox Picture Books
6 years ago
Did you give a child a book yesterday to celebrate #InternationalBookGivingDay ? If not why not grab Mile High Apple Pie by Laura Langston from Red Fox
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