La Principessa e Il Drago

Audrey Wood

About the book

When a princess who behaves like a dragon meets a dragon who behaves like a princess, who knows what will happen! The Princess and the Dragon story is accompanied by a language game, a character mask book and fabulous hand puppets. Everything to involve children in expression, performance and discussion of this quirky tale. Storysacks enable parents to contribute in a major way to their children's literacy and provide a valuable resource to teachers. A Storysack® is a large cloth bag containing a quality child's picture book with supporting materials to stimulate reading activities. To bring the book to life, soft toys of the main characters, artefacts relating to items in the story, a non-fiction element and a game based on the book are included. A guide and prompt suggest ways of developing listening, reading and writing skills using the contents of the Storysack®.

Publication Date
31 December 1990

Childs Play

Book Type
Picture book


La Principessa e Il Drago - Jacket

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