
Kimberlie Clinthorne-Wong


Kimberlie Clinthorne-Wong books

Recent updates about Kimberlie Clinthorne-Wong

International Rock Day

A book to explore and enjoy - Queens of the Jungle by Carly Anne York from Neon Squid

14 days ago

Plastic Free July

Learn and read about the creatures that live alongside us in Queens of the Jungle by Carly Anne York from Neon Squid

24 days ago

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

A great read to kick off the weekend! Queens of the Jungle by Carly Anne York from Neon Squid

2 months ago

Carly Anne York and Kimberlie Clinthorne-Wong

Out now! Queens of the Jungle by Carly Anne York, illustrated by Kimberlie Clinthorne-Wong. Published by Neon Squid.

2 months ago

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