Just Crazy (pb)

Andy Griffiths

About the book

Just Crazy!

Is this the right book for you?

Take the CRAZY TEST and find out

Answer Yes or No:

1. Do you bounce so high on your bed that you hit your head on the ceiling?

2. Do you ever look in the mirror and see a maniac staring back at you?

3. Do you like to read stories about kittens, puppies and ponies getting mashed and pulverised?

4. Do you sometimes get the urge to take your clothes off and cover yourself in mud?

5. Do you often waste your time taking crazy tests like this one?

Score: One point for each 'yes' answer.

3-5 You are completely crazy. You will love this book.

1-2 You are not completely crazy, but you're not far from it. You will love this book.

0 You are so crazy you don't even realise you're crazy. You will love this book.

Publication Date
06 July 2001

Macmillan Children's Books

Book Type
Paperback / softback


Just Crazy (pb) - Jacket

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