Help! I've Swallowed a Spider

Andy Griffiths Terry Denton

About the book

Help! I've Swallowed a Spider is a collection of nine incredibly stupid stories from Andy Griffiths and illustrated by Terry Denton - the creators of the smash hit The 13-Storey Treehouse.

Is this the right book for you? Take this test to find out!Do you push doors marked PULL and pull doors marked PUSH?

Do you automatically turn round when someone shouts 'hey stupid!'?

Do you think that being able to stuff your mouth full of marshmallows is a sign of superior intelligence?

Score one point for each 'yes' answer:

3: You are extremely stupid. You will love this book.

1-2: You are fairly stupid. You will love this book.

0: You think you're really smart but deep down you're as stupid as the rest of us. You will love this book.

Publication Date
07 January 2011

Macmillan Children's Books

Book Type
Paperback / softback


Help! I've Swallowed a Spider - Jacket

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