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Eda Kaban is a native of Turkey. She now teaches at Academy of Art University, in addition to exhibiting work in galleries and illustrating children's books. She lives in San Francisco.
Old MacDonald Had a Truck Bingo
Old MacDonald Had a Truck Counting Cards
Another teeny sneak peak from Helga Makes a Name for Herself by @Megan_maynor.
4 years ago
It's all about numbers today so why not teach your kids all about them with this book Old MacDonald Had a Truck Counting Cards . By Steve Goetz, published by Chronicle Books.
5 years ago
#WorldThinkingDay calls for a brain teaser, how about Old MacDonald Had a Truck Counting Cards by Steve Goetz. From Chronicle Books.
Old MacDonald Had a Truck Bingo by Steve Goetz from Chronicle Books is a brilliant book!
How about delving into Old MacDonald Had a Truck Counting Cards by Steve Goetz from Chronicle Books
Old MacDonald Had a Truck Counting Cards by Steve Goetz from Chronicle Books is a great holiday read!
Learning numbers with Old MacDonald Had a Truck Counting Cards by Steve Goetz from Chronicle Books
6 years ago
A brilliant book to help toddlers and younger kids with their counting - a very important skill at this time of year! Old MacDonald Had a Truck Counting Cards by Steve Goetz from Chronicle Books
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