Earth: The Life Of A Planet

Mike Goldsmith Mark Garlick

About the book

This unique book presents the Earth’s geological history as a visual narrative. Each double-page artwork gives a snapshot from a key time period, plus a short piece of descriptive text to place the scene in context, both visually and historically. The text is short, light in tone and unobtrusive, allowing the reader to absorb the visual information while learning the key facts at a glance. A reference section at the back of the book (6 pages) summarizes all of the scientific information, in the form of a timeline, while the artwork spreads focus on telling this amazing story. Dr Mike Goldsmith’s narrative journey through billions of years is a great picture book, a terrific read and a really enjoyable way to learn more about the fascinating life of our planet.

Publication Date
19 September 2011


Book Type


Earth: The Life Of A Planet - Jacket

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