Dogbird and other mixed-up tales

Paul Stewart Tony Ross

About the book

WOOF! Alice's new pet budgie doesn't speak. It barks! Dad says the bird must go, but what do you do with a barking budgie?

OINK! When greedy Albert pinches a Mars bar, his grandmother warns him of the curse of the were-pig. Will he grow a curly tail when the sun comes out?

RIBBIT! The croaking frog in the garden is driving Looby loopy! Grandad wonders if it's an enchanted prince, but Looby doesn't believe in fairy tales any more. Maybe she should just give the frog a tiny kiss . . .

Three lively, funny tales from Smarties Prize-winning author Paul Stewart.

Publication Date
04 August 2014

Corgi Pups

Book Type
Paperback / softback


Dogbird and other mixed-up tales - Jacket

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