Discover Sharks: Hammerhead Shark

Camilla de la Bedoyere

About the book

Explore the underwater world of these majestic creatures without getting wet!
Dive down beneath the waves and catch a glimpse at some of nature’ s greatest predators.
Check out the super strength of the Great White, the taunting taste buds of the Tiger shark, the bizarre head shape of the Hammerhead and the human-friendly nature of the Whale shark.
Discover Sharks  from QED is the perfect introduction to sharks.
Through clear and concise language, and detailed photography, these books will transport you to the open seas where you will come face to face with new toothy friends. 

Have no fear, these books won’ t bite! Read through this series with all the enjoyment, and none of the danger, of meeting this species in the flesh.

Publication Date
27 June 2013

QED Publishing

Book Type


Discover Sharks: Hammerhead Shark - Jacket

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