Dick and Dom's Christmas Jokes, Nuts and Stuffing!

Dominic Wood, Richard McCourt

About the book

It's time to get festive with Dick and Dom, esteemed TV geniuses and authors of the bestselling Dick and Dom's Big Fat and Very Silly Joke Book - with Dick and Dom's Christmas Jokes, Nuts and Stuffing!
A fantastic compendium of Christmas jokes and activities, crazy carols, completely true Christmas facts* and all-round festive nuttiness - Dick and Dom's Christmas Jokes, Nuts and Stuffing! is the perfect stocking filler for kids of all ages.
*This is a lie - we made them up because we're anarchists!

Publication Date
08 October 2015

Macmillan Children's Books

Book Type
Electronic book text


Dick and Dom's Christmas Jokes, Nuts and Stuffing! - Jacket

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