Creatures of the Deep

Camilla de la Bedoyere

About the book

A spectacular collection of animals from the darkest depths of the oceans.
Look into the deep to find some of nature’ s strangest creatures. How does the Firefly squid save its life with a multicoloured glow? How does the Anglerfish draw in its prey?
Intricately drawn artworks highlight the extraordinary features of each animal's anatomy. Similarly, stunning photos reveal the animals' abilities, from bioluminescence to jet propulsion.
Features deep-sea fish, squid, jellyfish, and microscopic life.
These two exciting books will guide the reader into a different world and will reveal creatures they never thought existed. Featuring spectacular photography and great detail into each animal, these books are sure to engage and educate any young reader.
The Creatures of the series includes:
Creatures of the Deep:  978-1-78171-535-2
Creatures of the Night:  978-1-78171-536-9

Publication Date
08 September 2014

QED Publishing

Book Type
Trade paperback (US)


Creatures of the Deep - Jacket

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