
Clement Hurd


About Clement Hurd

Clement Hurd is the well-loved illustrator of the classic children’s book Goodnight Moon. Before becoming a children’s book illustrator he studied art in Paris and worked as a freelance decorative artist in New York. Later he collaborated on many projects with his wife Edith Thacher. Sadly, Clement passed away in 1988. He will always be remembered for the tender, witty and enchanting world he created.

Recent updates about Clement Hurd

National Bed Month

Picture books can make the most beautiful bedtime reads. Goodnight Moon, is a wonderfully illustrated bedtime read for all the family. From Margaret Wise Brown, published by Campbell Books.

6 days ago

National Bed Month

Picture books can make the most beautiful bedtime reads. Goodnight Moon, is a wonderfully illustrated bedtime read for all the family. From Margaret Wise Brown, published by Macmillan Children's Books.

6 days ago

National Bed Month

Picture books can make the most beautiful bedtime reads. Goodnight Moon, is a wonderfully illustrated bedtime read for all the family. From Margaret Wise Brown, published by Two Hoots.

6 days ago

National Bed Month

Seeing as #NationalBedMonth has just started why not read Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown from Campbell Books.

11 days ago

National Bed Month

Get tucked up in bed with Goodnight Moon a brilliant bedtime read for you and your children. By Margaret Wise Brown from Macmillan Children's Books.

11 days ago

National Bed Month

Get tucked up in bed with Goodnight Moon a brilliant bedtime read for you and your children. By Margaret Wise Brown from Two Hoots.

11 days ago

National Storytelling Week

Listening to a story and the rhythm of the words can be a great way to engage small children. Why not try Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown from Two Hoots

1 month ago

National Storytelling Week

Listening to a story and the rhythm of the words can be a great way to engage small children. Why not try Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown from Campbell Books

1 month ago

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