
Chelsea Clinton


Chelsea Clinton books

Recent updates about Chelsea Clinton

International Ask a Question Day

Why? Who? What? It's Your World answers some questions. By Chelsea Clinton. Published by Penguin.


Climate Action Day

A remarkable book that your children will love. It's Your World by Chelsea Clinton.

3 months ago

Chelsea Clinton

My mom & I had been excited to share Grandma’s Gardens. It’s a picture book, which comes out today, about our family’s love of spending time together in & around gardens. We look forward to sharing more when we all can safely be together again.

4 years ago

International Women's Day

With so many brilliant women to read about why not try It's Your World. By the talented Chelsea Clinton. Published by Penguin.

5 years ago

George Washington

On this day 1793, the first US cabinet meeting was held at George Washington's home. Why not try It's Your World by Chelsea Clinton. Published by Penguin.

5 years ago

Climate Action Day

Could there be a better time to read It's Your World by Chelsea Clinton. Published by Penguin.

5 years ago

International Day of the Girl

It's Your World, with so many different girls in books, why not read this one! By Chelsea Clinton, published by Penguin.

5 years ago


Inspirational leaders. A remarkable book that your children will love. It's Your World by Chelsea Clinton.

5 years ago

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