Charlie and Lola: I Completely Love Winter

Lauren Child

About the book

Charlie and Lola: I Completely Love Winter - by Lauren Child
This really very good Charlie and Lola book includes two wintery stories: Snow is My Favourite and My Best and I Really Need Actual Ice Skates. This wonderful book is perfect for fans of Charlie and Lola, and for cold winter bedtimes.
Based on the award-winning books by Lauren Child,Charlie and Lola is now a top-rated BBC children's television show and a huge international hit. Lauren is also the multi-talented prize-winning creator of Clarice Bean.Charlie and Lola is produced by Tiger Aspect Productions, one of the UK's most successful and prolific independent television producers.

Publication Date
03 October 2013


Book Type
Paperback / softback


Charlie and Lola: I Completely Love Winter - Jacket

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