
Terence Blacker

About the book

Matthew Burton’s life has been fine until his American cousin crash-lands into it. Sam was only ever a distant rumour, a hippy kid who travels around the States with his wacky mother. Now he’s an orphan, dumped suddenly on the Burton’s doorstep.

According to Sam, everything in England sucks, and pretty soon he’s making trouble for Matthew and his friends. They want revenge – and Operation Samantha is born. For Sam - small, long-haired and blond - is the perfect secret weapon in the war at school between the boys and a gang of snooty girls. And when Sam sets about re-writing the rules for how boys and girls behave, he discovers an entirely new side to his personality. Soon it's not only Sam that is changing...…

Boy2girl is one of the funniest comic novels you will ever read. A classic cross-dressing comedy like Some Like It Hot, set in a contemporary school. It is certain to elevate Terence Blacker into the top league of popular children’s writers.

Publication Date
05 March 2004

Macmillan Children's Books

Book Type
Paperback / softback


boy2girl - Jacket

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