Alien Invaders 2: Infernox - The Fire Starter

Max Silver

About the book

Five awesome aliens have been unleashed from the darkest corner of the galaxy - and they're out to destroy the universe.

Only Cosmo, a young boy from planet Earth, has the power to stop them. Recruited by the elite defence organisation G-Watch to defend the galaxy, Cosmo must prove himself and commence battle against the deadliest aliens in space . . .

In his second mission, Cosmo and his ally from G-Watch, Agent Nuri, are sent to the tropical planet, Zaman. The terrifying alien Infernox is using his deadly fire powers to destroy the jungle planet and its valuable medicinal plants. Can Cosmo and Nuri work together to stop the evil Infernox, or will the galaxy be forced to surrender?

Publication Date
20 July 2018

Red Fox

Book Type
Paperback / softback


Alien Invaders 2: Infernox - The Fire Starter - Jacket

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