Agent Z And The Penguin From Mars

Mark Haddon

About the book

Pools winner and total wazzock, Dennis Sidebottom has moved next door to Ben - bringing his squeaky-clean kids with him. The Crane Grove Crew - Ben, Barney and Jenks - soon find themselves on the Sidebottom blacklist. Accused of being troublemakers and a bad influence, they decide to shake up the Sidebottom universe with the help of Agent Z, a meteorite and a stolen penguin. It's Agent Z's finest hour! Mark Haddon has a sharp understanding of what makes children tick, and they will delight in the ever more daring, ever more hilarious missions of Agent Z and his three creators.

Publication Date
05 May 2005

Red Fox

Book Type
Paperback / softback


Agent Z And The Penguin From Mars - Jacket

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